Shoal Harbour Drive
Town of Clarenville
Road Improvements
Client: Town of Clarenville
Meridian was engaged by the Town of Clarenville to carry out an options study for Shoal Harbour Drive, which is one of the busiest streets in town. The purpose of the study was to conduct a field assessment to ascertain the condition of the existing 3.0 km long roadway, both the asphalt driving surface and underlying subgrade, and if warranted, make recommendations to repair or reconstruct various sections of the roadway, complete with construction cost estimates. Phase 1 of the improvements to Shoal Harbour Drive was completed in the Fall of 2015 (1.35 km), including cleaning the existing roadside ditches and culverts, clearing trees and underbrush from the outside edge of the roadside ditch lines to the edges of the right-of-way, placing rock fill as required to re-establish the road shoulders, placement of asphalt tack coat, asphalt levelling course, 50 mm thick asphalt surface course and 50 mm thick class “A” shouldering.
- Options Study
- Site investigation and survey
- Detailed design
- Preparation of tender documents
- Cost estimating
- Technical support was provided during the tendering process,
- Construction/contract administration
- Resident site inspection services
- Quality Assurance/Quality Control Services
- Pre-construction, substantial, and final inspection visits
- Preparing as-built record drawings
Project Challenges
The challenges involved in the project were:
- Because work was being done on a roadway with a typically high traffic volume, for safety reasons, it was decided to shut down the section of roadway during paving operations.